
Outsider in the North

How to catalog collaborative practices in the artistic context? If we understand that such practices emerge from an interest in the social, we find a type of art with a functionality and an interest to influence contexts outside the implicit; Being able to see the definition of Outsider as an instrumentalization capable of visualizing a perspective outside of the established; Representing just the possibility of modification, transformation and understanding within parameters that can contribute to encourage an extended social change beyond a project itself. As an insiders' outsider of the society. We decided to label the name of "Outsider" on top of a flag where the emblem of a construction company was located. The idea behind is to find the metaphorical physical solution of combining the definition of "Outsider", on top of an "Insider" emblem (da term that can be defined when dealing with a logo of a company that continues in the neo-capitalist processes of our society). The flag has the property of being able to be placed on a mast in a static way as well as being able to be carried by one or several people, with the possibility to mark an action carried out within a context.

spanish (r)evolution

The video installation "spanish (r)evolution" shows how the roots of the participation of Spanish society to the disagreement of the established power system derives historically from the popular festivities in Spain; where libertarian and creative side emerged within them was the only legal form of public protest.

The aim of the piece is to generate an audible narrative that emulates the sound of a demonstration by thousands of citizens trough the sound from multiple simultaneous videos from various Spanish popular festivities.

The video was first shown as part of group exhibition Biopolitics of south side curated by Aristides Santana at Junefirst Gallery in Berlin, 2014 and later in form of installation as part of NEWROPE exhibition in Nitrianska Galeria curated Omar Mirza.

you have to go right now!

In this work the intention is not to create an object to observe, but to involve the public in an action that may be remembered. This opens a new stage in our production, with more social character in our personal work.

The work's title refers to a conversation between the artists and the manager of a supermarket, after they collected of food products found in the waste container of his company. These are mechanisms that construct and define the way of looking and acting of these two artists in their most recent work, after facing the illegality, the intrusion into private space and the threat of being arrested by authorities.

This work represent 2 different stories ( one audio and one video) that belongs to the same physical place but different time.

Tbilisi, 25.10.2010 17:50

The video shows the eco-action / eco-intervention undertaken by us at the central market of Tbilisi. It questions enhancement and development, current production models and existing consumption of the society.

Showen in Center of Contemporary Art – Tbilisi as a part of collectieve show Transit, 2010.

Made From Waste / Installation / TV1


The installation displays an edited ready-made in small fragments of the performance Noise and fruits, projecting simultaneously on 13 television screens. Attributed to new narratives able to alter the signs and codes. The action of the Noise and Frits performance takes place in an interior space of 5 x 3 meters, not accesseble by the public, equipped with lighting and audio systems. There is a system of devices of pick ups connected to the performer and to the food and knives, used in the performance, which allows the performer to create analog sounds.